Monday, February 1, 2010

one month down in oh-ten

One month down and eleven left to go in 2010.  So far I am keeping my resolution of eating better and exercising.  It hasn't been easy, but when there's no more junk food in the house, it seems to be easier.  That doesn't mean that I haven't found ways to junk up my eating.  Just last night I had the urge.  Y'know what urge I am talking about:  the one where all you want is something sweet.  So I ate a packet of 100 calorie cookies.  That doesn't sound bad at all, does it?  Well, I can't forget to add that I dipped each tiny cookie in a tub of vanilla whipped icing.  Yep, that did the trick. 

I don't cheat like that often, but I try to keep it to where I have some healthy mixed in.  Even if it totally negates the healthy vs the junk, I always feel less guilty about splurging. 

In my attempts to stay on track, I find that staying cyber-accountable will truly help.  If I start slacking, be sure to stay on top of me (that's what she said) about my resolution updates.  As of yesterday (1/31/10), I have lost 3 pounds.  go, me!  Losing 3/4 lbs over 4ish weeks really isn't that bad.  I am well underway for losing 10 pounds in 5 months.  My reward for meeting my goal is a new swimsuit. 

Let's not forget Daniel...
Daniel's resolution is progressing quite well.  He received his P90X in the mail last Thurday.  We watched the intro and part of the first workout session dvds.  Holy smokes!  This is SERIOUS business!  Daniel is SERIOUS business!  Friday night he did The Fit Test (which consisted of various exercise routines such as pull-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, vertical leap, and sit 'n reach) and I took a few pictures of him.  Gotta have the "before" shots.  I am sorry to say that I am not allowed to show you those pics at this time.  Maybe once he finished, he will want to show the world.

I thought about doing The Fit Test, but decided against it very quickly.  I have never been one to feel the urge to measure my heart rate about jumping jacks for 2 minutes straight.  I am doing The Biggest Loser and he is doing P90X.  Now that's not to say that I haven't joined him in his dvd workout. 

Saturday morning I woke up to find Daniel face down on the living room floor breathing heavily.  This is how intense it is, people!  Then, Sunday morning we decided to try out the next dvd.  Ummm, we made it about halfway through the dvd before we had to call it quits.  And today I am slow to walk.  Daniel seems to be making it just fine.

more to come...

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