Monday, February 16, 2009

take the good over the bad

Many events have been happening with the Todds since the last update. I am thankful to report that more good things rather than bad.

A couple of weeks ago, Daniel talked his step-brother into selling us his Wii for $100. You know we had to snatch that deal up; it's unheard of! The next day Daniel bought the Wii Fit. And let me tell is quite depressing to hear how overweight you are and how bad your balance is. I have caught myself walking and focusing on my center of balance. This might be the first stages of becoming a Wii Fit geek.

Right after our great purchase of the Wii, Daniel took the Explorer to the shop to have it checked out since there were horrible noises coming from it. Well, let's just say we couldn't afford to repair it completely without selling both of our arms and legs. It's outrageous just how much money we have put into that beautiful "P.O.S.". After getting the news, the real fun came....searching for a new vehicle. After many stressed filled days, we bought a 2008 F-150 on Saturday. (Needless to say we didn't have a very romantic Valentine's Day.) It wasn't my first choice, but Daniel really wanted a truck and they were bascially the only cars with a big enough rebate to eat up what we owed on the Explorer. We learned some valuable (and expensive) lessons while repairing and selling the Explorer and they will not be forgotten.

Last week I went home at lunch and guess who greeted me at the door: Jackson. He had chewed and clawed his way through the thick plastic box. He made a hole big enough to crawl out and escape. Daniel calls him Convict Number .... Thanks to the sewing machine that Daniel gave me for Christmas that is still in its box, we have been able to keep Jackson from making anymore escapes. I guess he needs a metal box now.