Tuesday, January 19, 2010

other than me

Sometimes I tend to get a little wrapped up in only blogging about myself that I leave off information about Daniel and the dogs.  If I wasn't blogging at all, then who would even blog about our life anyway?  More than likely no one since no one in my family is a persistant blogger.  So you are stuck with "the Todd's" blog which is mostly about Leslie. 

However, today I will update the world on Daniel, my precious husband.  Daniel hasn't had an emotionally easy month or so.  With MeMe's death being around the holidays, it has taken a lot out of him physically, mentally, and emotionally.  He became almost zombie like for a few days, which is acceptable, but also scary since I had never seen him like that before.  He is extremely strong emotionally and was able to find a happy place and is learning to move on.  It hasn't been the easiest thing to do, but he is a fighter.  I am thankful to report that he is back to his ol' self now. 

Last week Daniel started up another semester of school.  He is taking 3 classes (which includes one internet class), and I know he will do wonderful!  He has become super focused on accomplishing his goal to attain a degree.  And for me, it makes me so proud to have a husband who has educational goals.  (Leslie's PSA:  Education is very important.  Please don't let life pass you by without learning something new everyday.)  He is a machine:  he works 40 hours a week and will sit in a classroom for 3 hours at night.  This is his job right now and it will pay off in the long run.

Meanwhile, the dogs are still loving and crazy as ever.  Their favorite days are the ones where we stay at home, and they can run free inside and out.  Tyson loves being outside as much as he does inside so he is known to go outside and lay in the grass about 8 times a day.  He will try to get Jackson to chase him by making circles int he yard.  Jackson usually just sits by the backdoor and watches him.  Jackson will take advantage of going outside with Tyson multiple times a day, but only to get a treat when he comes back in.  And on days that there is bread for treats, you can count on opening and closing the door at least 50 times.  They love some bread!

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