Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's and Resolutions

2010 is upon us and WOW!  2009 was quite eventful:
-buying our first "together" son, Tyson
-buying our first house!
-moving/painting our first house
-Sis and Josh were married
-MeMe's death
- Sis moving to Germany to be with Josh

Am I missing something else?  oh yeah, over that span I gained about 10 pounds.  Just being frank with everyone.  It bothered me at first, but then I have grown used to my new expanded self.

...which brings me to this year's resolutions.  Daniel and I were talking a few nights ago about losing weight and what it will take for that to happen.  I suggested that instead of "losing weight" that our resolution needs to be "to eat healthier and exercise more".  I think starting at the source of the problem will (hopefully) influence the decrease in weight.  I could be completely wrong, but it seems like a better place to start than to just automatically start losing weight.  We will see how far this resolution will take us.

I am pleased to say that 2009's resolutions of reading and cooking more were met.  (See here for a recap.)  I read approximately 4-5 new books and actually learned how to cook using a recipe!  2009 was the first year that I have been able to keep to my resolutions all year.  I think the key to keeping resolutions is to do something that you once had a passion for and pick up doing it again (such as reading).  Or to try something new that you have always wanted to do, but were never given the chance to do (such as cooking).

New Year's Eve picture.

Happy New Year's!  May God bless you and your family this year.

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