Thursday, October 22, 2009

lost in translation

Maybe it's just a phase.  It's getting ridiculous though.  For some reason, I feel like I am the Tower of Babel.  When I say something/send an e-mail, something strange happens"  it's like I never spoke or sent the e-mail.  There is no reply of any sort.  Now this wouldn't concern me if it was just one aspect of my life, but it is present in all areas:  work, home, and friendships. 

What part of these phrases isn't clear/ambiguous?
-Please scan me the information as soon as you can.
-Has this shipment arrived yet?
-I have been waiting on your information/answers for 4-6 hours now.  What answers do you have for me?
-The questions must be completely finished by Saturday morning.  Then we will go over it together.
-How does this weekend sound?
-Do you have a problem with me?
-How are things going with you?  How's life?

I know some of that doesn't make much sense, but those are just a few examples of what I am talking about.  I have asked ALL of those questions at some point in time within the past week (and even one within the past 2 months).  Have I gotten a response from those questions?  Most of them, yes, but only if I persistently asked/stalked the person multiple times.

I know this might sound weird that I am even bringing this up, but seriously this problem has progressively gotten worse. 

Maybe I need to make EXTRA efforts to make sure that both parties are on the same level.  It might be easier said than done though.

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