Sunday, February 27, 2011

getting it over

Why do I hate it so much?  I dread doing it.  I always have and always will.  It is the worst part of the new year.  ugh, tax season!

This year is the latest that I have waited to file for taxes.  I know that it is just the end of February and I have a whole month and half left.  However, I like getting it over 

In previous years, my co-workers and I would have races to see who could file their taxes the fastest.  I mean we got down to the minutes, because as soon as Valmont sent our W-2 forms it was on!  You know as soon as we got home we were plugging away numbers and looking to see what time we clicked "file".  I think the "highest" ranking I ever got in our work tax race was tied at third place.  We also played the "who got more back" game.  I never won those since I didn't (and still don't) have kids.  Were we lame?  Probably.  Nerdy?  uh, yes.  But there's no arguing that this definitely gave us motivation to get our taxes filed and returned in a hurry.

And I can't lie when I say that I am glad that my co-workers motivated me to to file my taxes.  It made it kinda fun and less painful.  So a HUGE thanks to Whitney, Lisa, Greg, Ed, and Jason for giving me the motivation to file my taxes over 2 months before they were even due. 

(and I miss those good ol days at V-N.)


Shari said...

I miss your "good 'ole days" at V-N.....don't leave out Buttercup! lol :)

Unknown said...

Haha! You definitely needed a little inspiration this year! I've already gotten ours back (but haven't spent it just yet).