Friday, October 24, 2008

life update

Since I used to do this back in the college days, I thought I needed to upgrade and update my life.

Since graduating Auburn in 2006, I have learned a lot about life. Just because you have a degree doesn't mean people are eager to hire you especially with little to no experience. When I was able to find a company that would hire me, I felt even more grateful for being given the opportunity to work for them. It turns out that God was in control and I love my co-workers. I am extremely blessed to work with such great people.

Upon entering the work field, I was introduced to a guy who had recently left the Navy. He was back in Birmingham working and trying to figure out what he wanted out of life. Our paths crossed and instantly we were bonded. On October 4th (just a few short weeks ago) Daniel and I were married. I look forward to every day we have together, because I know God brought us together for a reason. Maybe the reason was that Daniel would ease my stress and I could straighten his road. What ever the reason, we are a great team and my life is of now.

It seems like after we got married that there are more things to do and get done than when we were engaged. Maybe it's the holidays coming up...well, whatever the reason we are busy. This weekend we are going to the pumkin patch, "watching" the UA game at a friend's apt, and having Dad and Sis over for Sis's belated birthday meal. It should be fun times, and I am excited about having a social life

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