Sunday, March 27, 2011

the return of Cowgirl Leslie Cyrus

I've got it BAD as Usher would say.  Spring fever is here.  I am in the mood to redecorate, shop, and lay out.  Today isn't helping at all since it has been stormy especially yesterday.  Thankfully Daniel and I were able to get out of the house yesterday afternoon/evening before the next wave of tornadoes came through.  We hit up Old Navy, which was like a mini-shopping spree for me.  I was able to find my Easter outfit.  yay!  Now to find some shoes...

Last weekend we went to Nashville to visit Daniel's sisters, Leah and Katie.  Leah just recently bought a 1950s style house and has completely remodeled the inside and is working on the out.  It is very precious if I do say so myself.  She has a blog of her home makeover adventures

We had a big time in Nashville.  It has been a while since I have been up there not on work or to visit my aunt who was in the hospital for leukmeia.  In fact, I haven't been there in my adult life at all...just for fun.  It was beautiful weather which fueled the spring fever even more. 

After a long night of travels, we arrived around 11:30 to midnight.  We got a quick tour of the house and went to bed.  Saturday we got up and ate at the Pancake Pantry.  delicious!  Special thanks to Katie for our meal.  She graciously paid for lunch with money from her very first "big girl" pacycheck.  Yay for being a college grad with an awesome job!

with Daniel at the Pancake Pantry.  03.19.11

Daniel waited in line for over an hour while the girls went to all of the boutiques.  I think that was my favorite part.  We don't have those types of shops close to my house so it was nice to see what was in style.  Speaking of style, everyone up there was very fashionable and trendy.  I hardly saw a person without some kind of tattooing.  I guess for once I am in style.  Too bad I don't display my tattoo on a regular basis.  That might be a little inappropriate and gross. 

After hitting up some antique shops and an afternoon nap, that evening we ate dinner at Whiskey Kitchen.  It was good too.  We walked around downtown Nashville for a bit visiting the country-style shops.  We had to get a picture of the Wildhorse Saloon since that is all my dad ever talks about when you mention Nashville to him.
for you, Dad

Then we hit it big time.  We found a boot store with an awesome deal:  buy 1 pair, get 2 free.  uh, what?!  Yes!  I didn't have any intention of getting a pair of boots.  Not that it isn't my style, but it isn't my style very maybe once in a blue moon kind of style.  And what do you know...Daniel found a pair that he really liked.  So I had to find me a pair which I did with ease.  After a discussion with his sisters about splitting the bill with them or not, we all decided that we were collectively leaving the store with 6 pairs of boots between the 4 of us.  Daniel looked for a second pair to round out our 3.  Sucks (sorry, Jane) for him, because he didn't find one.  Guess who has 2 pairs of cowgirl boots now.  That's right!  Cowgirl Leslie Cyrus. 

(Who is Cowgirl Leslie Cyrus you might ask.  It's me from about the 3rd grade, I guess.  Sis and I had vivid imaginations growing up.  Don't even ask about playing Colonial Bank as Leslie Jones {married to Chipper Jones} and Sissy Miller {married to Mark Miller, lead singer of Sawyer Brown}.  In elementary school I was in love with Billy Ray Cyrus and wanted to marry him.  Therefore the name Leslie Cyrus came about.  Then I went through a cowgirl stage during one summer.  I found a leather fringe "cowgirl" purse that was my mom's eons ago.  I dressed up as a cowgirl, traveling through town {aka the house}.  I remember very specificly one summer day eating lunch as Cowgirl Leslie Cyrus.  Mom {aka a kind stranger} had taken me into her lovely home for a nice meal {aka a sandwich}.  When I left, I left a note for her thanking her for the meal signed by Cowgirl Leslie Cyrus.  I think she still has the note today.  I like to bring my alias back every now and then just to relive the old days.)

I will be stylin' now.

I know that Sis can't wait until my beach trip mid-April to hit up the Block in my new boots.  :)

And Barkley had to try on Daniel's boot yesterday.  She wants to be a cowgirl just like her mommy.

Cowgirl Barkley Cyrus

Hopefully we can hit Nash-Vegas up again real soon.  I want to take Sis up there.  She would have a blast!

Thanks, Leah and Katie, for a fun-filled weekend that flew by too fast.

Friday, March 25, 2011

only begun

One year ago today feels like an eternity ago.  It was the best and worst day.  Nothing is scarier than thinking your life is going to end, but knowing that it has only begun....especially with a new addition to the family.

Barkley has brought great times to our family.  It actually feels complete having 3 dogs.  It's weird to say that, but it does.  I can't imagine not having each one of our precious dog children.  Our house would extremely quiet and boring without them here.




Sunday, March 6, 2011

the silence is broken

My current post at ellebeeTee Originals blog is too important not to share.  I hope you will join me in supporting our military.  Freedom is not free, and millions of families sacrifice their loved ones being at home so you can be free.  Please enjoy the blog entry below from ellebeeTee Originals:

For a long time I have felt like I needed to help out. What could I do to show my support? I want to give, but it is hard to send hundreds of dollars. Times are tough. If there was a way that I could make something and show my support and give, then I could make that work. And it came to me: the Justice Sacrifice Patriot Wreath (also known as the "JSP" wreath).

Some of your may or may not know that my brother-in-law is currently serving our country. He is in the 720 EOD unit which is currently deployed. His job is to disarm bombs, not one of the safest jobs in the miliary in the least. He is awesome at what he does.

Then there is my sister. She is awesome at being his support system. She has never lived anywhere but at home and when they married, she had to move close to halfway around the world to Mannheim, Germany to be with him. Is that dedication/love or what?

This is how my thought process started. I mean I am related to "awesomeness". Here I am living in the good ol' Alabama being an average citizen. What could I do to help them out? What could I do to help out his unit? What could I do help out the men and women who currently give their life for you and me every day just so we can have our freedom? That's when I thought of making a military line: a wreath and Hair Blooms. It's not much, but it is more than just sitting at home taking advantage of being an American. The "JSP" line honors my brother-in-law, Josh, and his unit.

Justice Sacrifice Patriot "JSP" Hair Blooms

Justice Sacrifice Patriot "JSP" Wreath

Half of every sale from the "JSP" line will go directly to the 720 EOD Unit FRG Fund. This fund is set up to directly support these soldiers and their families. My sister told me a heartbreaking story about how thousands of dollars were supposed to be raised last year for the fund, but the events (ie bake sales, etc) never happened for whatever the reason. Their unit is without most of the needed funds. I hope you will help me support the 720 EOD Unit by purchasing an item (or 2) from the military "JSP" line.

If you would like to contribute any other way to the 720 EOD Unit, please contact me at info{at}lbtoriginals{dot}com.